Sunday 18 November 2018

Answers from Practitioners & Continued Practical

This week has been a great week for research, as well as feedback. To start the week, I had a tutorial with my personal tutor Mat. This was helpful and I was given a lot of great feedback with how to improve my essay. My project has focused a lot more on the research and practical development so far, and therefore if I am honest, my essay is not as far as it should be as of now.

However, this will change as I have had responses from Andrew Wildman, and they were all incredibly useful. He gave me some invaluable knowledge, and it was great to hear advice from a professional practitioner, and showed me that I am taking the right direction. As well as this, Drew Roper, from Yanimations, responded to me, giving me 2 extra contacts. I believe I am also having my Skype interview with Fraser Maclean at some point this week which will be incredibly useful.

Practical this week has been limited as I have been back and forth to Manchester for the animation festival. I did however watch the film "A Knight's Tale" and tried to take some reference from what it did well, and briefly did a quick study of one particular scene, just to see how I would have story-boarded it.

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