Sunday 28 October 2018

Meeting with Rose

I am making a second post this week, as I met with Rose Chalmers, the head lecturer on the comic and concept art course, who gave me a great list of books, as well as a contact to ask for help from; Drew Roper, director of Yanimation animation studios, who she said would be a great person to contact and ask for help with story boarding questions.

This is the correspondence with Rose, after the meeting, with the list of books, and the way to contact Mr Roper, which I have respectfully blurred out. As some of these were amazon listings, I have bought what Rose considered to be the most useful of the books, and I have contacted Mr Roper and am currently waiting on a response. From this I was able to determine some other contacts who I have decided on contacting, which I will get around to next week. 

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