Sunday 21 October 2018

Useful Research and a lot of Books

This week I have been gathering a lot of useful sources so that I may properly carry out my research. I tried to gather a good range to make sure I was thorough. I decided to start at the top with each type of story boarding, gathering examples, and interviews with practitioners which would be useful. The most useful links which I happened to find this week through the internet was an interview with Ridley Scott, which I will link below, and examples of storyboards next to their live action counter parts.

Ridley Scott Interview

On top of this, I have also been collecting books, so far I have been gaining general cinematography books, this includes "Grammar of the Shot" and other's which will be invaluable in my research towards my essay. I have also discussed with my tutor meeting with the head of the comic and concept art course, as she may be able to offer some more insight into some theory based story boarding books and sources.

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