Sunday, 28 October 2018

Meeting with Rose

I am making a second post this week, as I met with Rose Chalmers, the head lecturer on the comic and concept art course, who gave me a great list of books, as well as a contact to ask for help from; Drew Roper, director of Yanimation animation studios, who she said would be a great person to contact and ask for help with story boarding questions.

This is the correspondence with Rose, after the meeting, with the list of books, and the way to contact Mr Roper, which I have respectfully blurred out. As some of these were amazon listings, I have bought what Rose considered to be the most useful of the books, and I have contacted Mr Roper and am currently waiting on a response. From this I was able to determine some other contacts who I have decided on contacting, which I will get around to next week. 

The Start of Practical

This week I have begun working towards my practical, my main focus this week has been on life drawing, and general shot framing techniques, this has been influenced by books and sources which I have gained so far.

I have made some general perspective tests, as well as testing some light values, in order to gain a better understanding.  There is not much more to report on this week, I have been getting a lot of books from the Uni library to make my way through, and therefore my essay research is a lot of reading and note taking at present.

Sunday, 21 October 2018

Useful Research and a lot of Books

This week I have been gathering a lot of useful sources so that I may properly carry out my research. I tried to gather a good range to make sure I was thorough. I decided to start at the top with each type of story boarding, gathering examples, and interviews with practitioners which would be useful. The most useful links which I happened to find this week through the internet was an interview with Ridley Scott, which I will link below, and examples of storyboards next to their live action counter parts.

Ridley Scott Interview

On top of this, I have also been collecting books, so far I have been gaining general cinematography books, this includes "Grammar of the Shot" and other's which will be invaluable in my research towards my essay. I have also discussed with my tutor meeting with the head of the comic and concept art course, as she may be able to offer some more insight into some theory based story boarding books and sources.

Tuesday, 16 October 2018



For my Context of Practice this year I want to delve into the practice of storyboarding. Storyboarding is an essential part of visual story telling when translating a script on to the screen. Throughout this I want to explore specifically the differences between translating for live action, and animation, however I will also look into storyboarding for video games for some extra research and context. For previous COP topics I have chosen comparisons between different styles and eras and this comparative writing will help me here. However I have never really had a deeper interest into these topics, for this year I have chosen a topic which I want to look into further and develop my understanding into.
I have gathered a range of books and sources on the subject so far which I will be reading multiple times to help me develop an understanding of what a professional storyboard artist needs to be able to translate, and the considerations they need to talk when making these boards for different mediums. These texts include:
Star wars storyboards
Batman Animated by Chip Kidd
From word to image by Marcie Begleiter
And a plethora of other books with examples of the different kinds of storyboards.

As well as using books as a source, I have decided that I want to contact as many professionals as possible, who have worked with live action and animation who can answer questions directly on how they go about the storyboarding process. I have already made a contact through going to Thought Bubble 2018, in the form of comic book artist/storyboard artist Andrew Wildman. Andrew Wildman has worked on Transformers and Marvel comics and now works on storyboards for T.v. shows such as Dr Who and Luther and has also done some for children's animation. He was willing to give me some answers already in person and was nice enough to give me his email for further contact, I feel as though this could be a great source of research for this project as well as later in my career.

Through my practical response, I want to create my own storyboards/animatic through a range of scripts, and tailor each storyboard to how I can translate that into a live action or animated sequence, I do not think actually creating the animation or live action shot is necessary, but could prove useful to gain a more acute understanding of what a Director would want in order to better visualise the story. Therefore I will try and produce both, even if they are only short purely for extra context and practice.